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The network for innovation, education and research

Our bandwidth brings your potential to life

SABRENet is a South Australian not-for-profit charity that delivers fast & affordable fibre optic broadband network connections for South Australia’s Research, Education & Innovation Precinct communities.

SABRENet has an almost 20 year history of creating a unique fibre-optic network infrastructure asset for South Australia through a mutually beneficial collaboration between SA’s three major universities (University of Adelaide, Flinders University & University of South Australia) and the South Australian Government and participation of the Defence Science and Technology Group. Having a solid ownership structure means that we offer access to a high-quality network, and a network that is meticulously operated and maintained. Our customers receive personalised quality support from our experienced, caring and purpose-driven team.

SABRENet delivers high speed, high capacity and secure network connections via ‘dark fibre’ point to point links. Our expansive carrier neutral network means that you can choose your ISP or MSP, and how you deploy and manage your network on a day-to-day basis. Purchasing SABRENet buys a reusable asset delivering intergenerational value to research, education and innovation in South Australia at a very low cost.

SABRENet is sovereign to South Australia providing confidence and security in your fibre optic broadband network infrastructure.

Our communities



A world class network to support world class education and curriculum.

Schools, universities and colleges are ever evolving and taking advantage of the opportunites presented by technology. Our world class diverse fibre network allows technology to be used confidently to enrich curriculum and the online experience of teachers, students and school administrators.

Learn more here

Sabrenet Research image


With our expertise and collaborations we can help you develop practical outcomes to ambitious challenges.

With no bandwidth restrictions, our ultra-fast, secure and reliable dark fibre network can support the research and development projects in your organisation, driving ground-breaking solutions.

Learn more here

Sabrenet Innovation image


“We are connecting to speeds that are 20 times faster than our previous supplier. It’s cost effective and has enabled us to change the way we do business.”  – Tonsley Innovation Precinct, Operations Manager Zachary Bailey.

We are proud to be implementing GigCity on behalf of the South Australian Government as its GigCity implementation partner. As a GigCity, with high speed Internet, Adelaide is able to attract the businesses, entrepreneurs and start-ups with ‘bandwidth hungry’ ideas, products and services that we need to transition to a modern and innovative economy.

Learn more here


Private and secure site-to-site circuits and security hardware for maximum security and network resilience.

Cost effective

No lock-in contracts, flat fee for all circuits regardless of distance. Change ISPs whenever it suits you.

Fast and flexible

Supports 1G, 10G, 40G, 100G or higher network speeds. Design your own diversity requirements.


Our relationships, partnerships and joint activities are the hallmark of our success, expansion and innovation.


South Australian owned and governed


Your choice of data centres, ISPs and MSPs providing you choice and direct control over your connections and how they are used

GigCity gives us ultimate responsiveness and ability to design on the fly – time is money and this is a new technology we are using, which means that everything is collaborative. Everything needs to be done in real-time.

Piers LincolnInstitute Manager, IPAS

One of our artists came through Northern Sound as a school kid, participated in the band programs, and she is now touring America and Europe full-time as a professional musician, not only because of high-speed internet but you can see how it forms part of the eco system that breeds success.

Ross ReadPrecinct Manager, Playford Creative Industries

Access to affordable, high-speed internet has been extremely vital for internal operations and overall business growth. It has enabled us to change the way we do business. Something that would take us a day now takes us 20 minutes.

Zachary BaileyOperations Manager, Healthy Technology
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