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Is your organisation eligible to connect to the SABRENet network?

Eligibility Criteria

Where an organisations’ eligibility to connect to the SABRENet network is not clear cut it will be required to make a formal application describing in detail how the organisation meets one or more of eligibility criteria outline above. This application, and any requested supporting documentation, will be considered by the SABRENet Board. The eligibility assessment and final decision will at the sole discretion of SABRENet.

Eligibility for an education connection

SABRENet is dedicated to promoting the advancement of education by transforming the productivity of educators through the provision of access to the best-possible connectivity solutions for sites used for  providing and/or supporting education, training.

The following types of organisations and associated sites are eligible to connect to the SABRENet network for education purposes.

  1. Government and non-government K-12 (kindergarten to year 12) schools.
  2. Providers of nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) and qualifications, registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) (or similar state regulators).
  3. Providers of formal higher education qualifications, recognised by an industry professional accreditation body.
  4. Higher education providers including universities listed in subdivision 16-B of Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth) (HESA) and other higher education providers determined under the HESA.
  5. Education and research content providers such as Libraries (including Local Government Libraries), Museums, Galleries, Archives, Zoological Societies and Botanic Gardens.
  6. Teaching hospitals and other medical institutions whose main purpose is the advancement of specialised medical education.
  7. A site of an organisation which is specifically dedicated to education and training for that organisation or its stakeholders.
  8. Organisations whose main purpose is to promote the advancement of education by providing support services for students.

Eligibility for a research connection

SABRENet is dedicated to promoting and supporting the advancement of research beneficial to the community, by transforming the productivity of researchers through the provision of access to the best-possible connectivity solutions to sites used for  undertaking and/or supporting research beneficial to the community.

The following types of organisations are eligible to connect to the SABRENet network for research purposes.

  1. Major publicly funded research organisations.
  2. Approved Research Institutes (ARI) as defined in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth).
  3. An organisation whose primary mission and operations has a significant research function beneficial to the community.
  4. An organisation, which is specifically dedicated to the conduct of research generally, or the conduct of a research project, for the benefit of the community. Eligibility is for the duration of the project or research effort.
  5. Organisations in receipt of a Commonwealth or State Government funded research grant. (Eligibility is for the duration of the grant).
  6. Research Centres (including Co-operative Research Centres, Australian Research Centres and similar Commonwealth or State Government funded Research Centres) and a site at which an Industry Research Partners is undertaking research for the purposes of the relevant Research Centre (Eligibility is for as long as the relevant Research Centre is active).
  7. Organisations whose main purpose is to promote research for the benefit of the community by providing support services for the conduct of research and/or research translation.

Eligibility for an innovation connection

As part of the GigCity Adelaide Program, SABRENet is supporting South Australia’s research and innovation efforts through the provision of high-quality low-cost internet bandwidth to 23 designated ‘Innovation Precincts’ in greater Adelaide. Through the GigCity Adelaide program, organisations and users access an Internet Service Provider (ISP) managed service based on SABRENet carrier grade dark fibre network for backhaul and diversification. An organisation or user must be based or located inside the boundaries of one of these designated Innovation Precincts to access the SABRENet services supporting research and innovation.

Contact us to find out more.