We are proud to have implemented GigCity on behalf of the South Australian Government. It is an initiative delivering high-speed internet to innovation precincts across the state. There are now 21 innovation precincts throughout Adelaide with GigCity high speed Internet making Adelaide the city of choice for businesses, entrepreneurs and start-ups with ‘bandwidth hungry’ ideas, products and services that we need to transition to a modern and innovative economy. Participating businesses experience gigabit speed broadband, enabling greater collaboration between colleagues and easy sharing with clients around the world.
GigCity offers incredible speeds at highly competitive monthly costs, with customers connected and up and running with GigCity quickly, provided with second-to-none contract flexibility. Customers and Precinct Managers alike are highly satisfied with GigCity, and are raving about how fast and cheap the service is.
“We are connecting to speeds that are 20 times faster than our previous supplier. It’s cost effective and has enabled us to change the way we do business.” Tonsley Innovation District, Operations Manager Zachary Bailey.
Precincts and customers within precincts are also now being provided with a platform to engage with more actively with each other to grow their capability and networks. Innovation precincts and GigCity customers are thriving with research showing that in 2019, average growth of GigCity customers was 25%.
“The current GigCity connection is 100 times, at least, faster than what I’ve been used to and upload speed, which is actually quite critical for the work we do, is something like 500 times faster. It has been incredibly reliable, it’s incredibly affordable and a fantastic initiative.” Future Earth Systems founder, Chris Sampson.