The overriding theme amongst the guest speakers and the attendees at the AARNet cyber security workshop last Friday, was to share knowledge and to work collectively. This message was reinforced and expounded upon throughout the day and embraced wholeheartedly.
Held at the Convention Centre, together SABRENet and AARNet, hosted a day of information sharing and networking focussing on cyber security within the education sector. We heard from speakers within the cyber security industry as well as IT professionals working within educational institutions.
Sandra Vallance, CEO and Filip Vidos, Key Account Manager from SABRENet, set the scene and spoke about cyber security being a constant journey of continuous improvement and maturity.

Sandra Vallance and Filip Vidos from SABRENet
We learned about cyber attacks including some frightening statistics of impact and frequency. We also learnt about strategies to prevent and to mitigate incidents. We heard real life examples and were directed to many resources, including frameworks such as the Essential 8 framework, to help plan a cyber security strategy.
Chris McLean gave a spirited and informative talk about his approach and experiences at SABRENet connected Westminster school and said, “If our technology doesn’t enable and enhance education, then we are running on ice.”
Karl Sellman from UniSA provided the reality check of the day in describing cyber security incidents: “It’s not IF, it’s WHEN. What are you going to do about it?” Fortunately there are experienced experts like AARNet developing products and services, companies like SABRENet to reach out to for advice and support, and now a room full of people ready to continue and strengthen collaborative relationships to support one another, develop strategies and to be prepared.