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Imagine a world where things talk to, listen to and observe all of us. Where biometric data about us is compiled in real time; as we eat, sleep, exercise and go about our daily lives. And where devices talk to other devices about our data at speeds beyond human comprehension. That world is today.

Part one of Stone & Chalk’s new event series “The Future Is Here – A Hyperconnected World” is on 16 September 2020, where renowned Futurist and Author Rocky Scopelliti will explore what a hyper-connected world including smart cities will look like by 2030. He will also unpack how individuals, businesses and the economy will be impacted by hyper-connectivity, highlighting the part that 5G will play.

SABRENet CEO, Sandra Vallance, will be part of the expert panel to discuss:
● The roll out plans for 5G across Australia
● The differences between 4G & 5G, including the switch to millimetre waves
● Future planning for Australian cities and where we are sitting locally vs
● The new Infrastructure needed to create a highly connected society
● How businesses and society will benefit from ultra fast and hyper-connected
● Potential risks involved with data sharing and hyper-connected living
● 5G vs Fibre Optics and how they correlate
● Why Adelaide is Australia’s most connected city and how this is supporting
rapid growth in their local tech industry

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